Hey friends! This. Week. Has. Been. Heavenly. So much so that each of those words required their own sentence, AND we're only two days in! I'd say our prospects are lookin' good! Last week was my last week at my 'old' job. Ha! It's a lot more fun saying 'old' job than I thought it would be! Anyway, even though I made some really outstanding friendships there, namely my friendship with my best friend Romina, it was high time to start pushing things forward career wise. I mean, I've only got one more year left in school. ONE! Eek! Anyway, I've got some time off from any sort of work for a little while before things start moving forward and let me tell you, having this coming week off is just about the nicest thing the universe could have sent my way! Yesterday I had the chance to go to the movies with the little brother. Man, that kid is a hoot and a half! Anyway, I don't know about you guys but I consider previews to be the best part of any movie. I mean, sure I go into the theater to see an actual movie...but I'd be lying if I didn't say that the previews are 80% of the reason I go to the theater in the first place. I mean, they basically show you the best scenes of each of the movies in a short few clips, AND they get you all hyped up and excited to see a bazillion more movies that you probably won't remember seeing 50 years from now!! Sigh...so riveting! I love previews, AND movies! I have serious issues here guys. I think I'm addicted to movies. Maybe I should start an addicted to movies anonymous or something. Or I could just keep on watching about a hundred movies a year, that sounds good too! I actually get SO into the previews that by the time they're done I can't even remember what movie I paid to see in the first place, and sometimes I even end up getting disappointed that I'm watching the, lame in comparison to the previews, movie that I paid to see. Anyway, we ended up watching "White House Down" with Channing Tatum and Jamie Fox. It was action filled, funny, and cheesy. In essence it was everything that a proper mind numbing movie ought to be! ;) Whoever put together the preview selection for the movie, though, was dumber than a grain of sand in the middle of butt crack Egypt. Why you ask? Because they put a preview of a Matt Damon movie and a Mark Wahlberg movie BACK to BACK! Who does that? I mean, doesn't everyone know that Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg are basically the same person? I mean, they might as well be fraternal twins. Just look at them! Look!
And don't get me started on their names! Matt, and Mark? They're basically the same name. Potato, potatoe right? Matt, Mark, Martt? Same difference. Or am I the only one that gets them confused?

{H&M: military vest similar actual one available in stores for $15, shoes similar and available in stores for $15; F21: basic tank, shorts similar; Accesories: beaded hummingbird necklace from Guatemala borrowed from my sister, watch was a gift to my little brother from my grandma}
Oh, and on an unrelated side note, I got a chance to take my little sister out to the Park Cafe for a pre birthday celebration! The little bugger's turning 19! It seems like it was just two years ago that I was 19...oh wait it was! ;) Happy early birthday Allissa, 19 is a good one!
Much Love!
Linking up with: A Rambling Fancy, Because Shanna Said So, and The Pleated Poppy
Girlll you have amazing hair!! Lovin' those bright colored heels!
Awww thanks Megan!! That's so sweet!
Thanks so much for linking up! Glad you joined in this week! You are adorable and this outfit is killer!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Shanna, you're the greatest!!
love your outfit. i have similiar shoes and i wear them ALL THE TIME! you are just darling
Thanks Karissa!! I just got these a couple of weeks ago and I've been wearing them all the time too! They're just great!
Oh that necklace!! Love it!
ReplyDeleteThanks Dawnelle!! You're just the sweetest!!