
The School of Dreams

For those of you who follow me on instagram, you've probably seen a good chunk of these photos but they were just so fun that I had to share them on here as well (even if they're iphone grainy;)! Over the weekend I had the SPECTACULAR opportunity of going to a local art show with my sister. This wasn't your average art show either, guys. It took place inside of a local abandoned high school that's around 80 years old! The idea was to bring in a bunch of local artists and photographers to recreate the school into a land of dreams! Boy were they successful! Touring the school was wicked fun and seeing that much talent all in one space was crazy cool! From light rooms, to giant kaleidoscopes, to all white classrooms, to murals of childhood memories, it was just such an inspirational experience! My sister and I loved the room with the giant pencils the best of all, it was all about expressing yourself through words, and as book nerds/writers we related to its message so well! My second favorite room isn't pictured, unfortunately. It was a photography room full of incredible photos of children, their stories, and who their heroes are. My favorite image in the room by far was of a small boy playing with toy robots, the caption read "What We See" and underneath it was another photo of the boy in a giant field looking up at three giant robots towering over him and it was captioned, "What They See". I was once a deeply imaginative child and am still a deeply imaginative adult so the message of the photos just connected with me on such a deep level. Anyway, here some photos from the trip, enjoy!

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