

What the what? A new post at 3pm? Yep. I just put off putting this together for you all until now, heehee. ;) I just unexpectedly took the day off and, well, days off have the tendency of making a person (me) get pretty lazy. ;) I did go on a speed run earlier, though, and I'm WIPED!!!! Also, July's heat wave has officially set in. Yuck. I seriously feel like I'm melting half the time, now. I guess that must mean I'm the Wicked Witch of the West or something. That is the witch that melts, right? I don't know. Anyway, I'm seriously bathing in sweat 80% of the day now. So gross, I know. I'm the kind of person who only thinks buckets of sweat is a good thing when I've got on a pair of gym shorts and a sports bra (and athletic top, of course, I'm not one of those "look-at-me-and-my-flat-belly-in-this-sports-bra" type of girls. Annoying little beezies), so the fact that I'm constantly sticky with sweat these days is highly irritating. Just another one of the many reasons I'm not a fan of the summer. ;) How are you all coping with the heat wave?

top: F21 
skirt: c/o Agnes & Dora
shoes: F21 
hat: c/o Chic Wish similar
sunnies: aldo's

This hat has been heavenly these past couple of days! It seriously does such a good job of keeping the sun from hitting my face and manages to keep it relatively cool, which, is awesome since we all know how good I am at coping with heat. ;) Also, I'm loooooving this Agnes & Dora skirt that I got at a shoot I did with them last month. It's seriously SO soft. It feels akin to what I imagine it would feel like to have fuzzy puppies rolling around my legs!

Much love!


  1. OKAY you look darling. I feel like this is something that rich people would wear to the horse races.

    xo Lauryn
    Lauryncakes | Beauty & Fashion

    1. Heehee, it's my "Pretty Woman" polo scene moment! :)

