
Je Ne Sais Quoi

top: Madewell
skirt: c/o ChicWish
sandals: American Eagle
photos: Shailynn

Guys, Third Eye Blind ROCKED! Seriously, they played till midnight and it was pretty freakin' bomb. Not going to lie, though, I spent the rest of the weekend somewhere in between pissed as heck and non chalant. Pretty weird combo, right? There are just some people that I seriously do not understand, and I don't know why I keep letting into my sphere. Enough of that, though. Y'all don't even know what I'm talking about so I'm sure that was super boring. Moving on. You know what you all should be wearing this summer? Easy breezy tee's like this pale pink one from Madewell, with flowy lightweight maxis, and gladiator sandals. Seriously, such an easy combo and a great way to stay cool in this heat without having to be basically naked in teeny tiny shorts. ;) 

Much love!



dress: c/o OASAP
sandals: F21 very similar option
photography: Shailynn

Guysssss, I'm seeing Third Eye Blind on Friday!! Seriously, I am dying of excitement. Feels like it's been FORever since I've been to a concert and I've been feeling preeetty deprived. Plus, they're just gonna kill it. Also, it'll be a major throwback to the decade I was born. Holla to the 90s! I'm thinkin' full on 90s garb. Floral patterned skirt, some plaid, denim jacket, maybe some grungy biker boots, and a mood ring! Buh-Bam! In other news, 23 has sure been one heck of a learning year so far. I've been doing a lot of introspection and analyzing who I am as a person and who I want to be. Let me tell you guys, growing up is stinkin' hard. We all have to do it at some point, though, right? Right. It'd sure be nice if there were some magical "You-are-no-longer-a-silly-minded-kid-and-are-now-a-fully-matured-quality-human" button, though! I guess you'd miss out on a lot the fun parts of life, though, if a button like that did exist. Here's to tough parts of growing up! Now go listen to some Third Eye! "Doo-do-doo-do-doo-doo-do-do"

Much love!

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Sweetest Peaches

Dress: Target
Denim Jacket: F21
Converse: Journey's
Hat: JMR similar
Photos: Shailynn

Awww Summer, there's nothing quite like it. So liberating, exciting, and despite the hotter than Satan's butt crack heat, refreshing! I've been spending my summer running in the canyon, cruising in my sissy's convertible buggy -mad tunes blastin, and exercising at my local high school's track whilst trying to improve my tan -lathered in sunblock of course! Sigh...the possibilities! So yummy! Too bad school will be staring back up again at the end of August. Pooey. All parties must have their end, though, I guess. Also, this dress. You guys. It is perfection. I kid you not, I've worn it at least twenty times already. It's versatile, bright, and that halter top cut is SO flattering! Anyway, since y'all know I can't resist sharing musssac, here's my latest summer jammin' playlist. I personally vouch for every single song on it. They will all rock your world and make your summer solid magic! It's that powerful. 😉

Much love!



Swimsuit Top: Aerie
Swimsuit Bottoms: Aerie similar
Stick on Tat: c/o Aerie
Hat: American Eagle (Old)

If you follow me on Instagram, then I'm sure you've already seen most of these photos -sorry for overgramming! ;) Anyway, I loved this suit too dang much to not post it. The top sort of reminded me of the bathing suit tops my old Theresa dolls used to wear back in the day! Also, these bottoms, guys! I've always, ALWAYS, wished that swim bottoms would fit more like undies. Weird, I know, but I've always just thought the fit of undies was always more flattering -and covering! Anyway, I was so happy with these bottoms because they fit exactly like undies! Plus, you can't beat that cute lobster print. Aerie's swim line is almost all sold out because it's all 60% OFF so I'd make a move fast if you're still lookin' for a cute suit! This was by far my favorite Fourth of July, EVER! The fam and I went to Jordanelle Reservoire and played in the water alll day long. It was the best! And now I'm browner than I've ever been in my entire life pretty much, haha. Seriously, I'll look at my arms and be like, "Whoa. I. Am. Taaaaaaaan." I also got my first sun burn. I sort of always thought it was impossible for brown people to get sun burns but apparently not, haha. ;)  It did only last for like half a day, though, with no peeling so I guess my brown genes did at least help me get over the sunburn quickly. How were your Fourths? 

Much love!


Slug Bug!

Hat: Forever21
Shorts: c/o American Eagle
tshirt: Madewell

I'm back from the dead! Just kidding, I'm just fiiiiiiinally posting. I know, I'm an awful blogger. Summer is in full force and I haven't been the incredible blogger I promised you all I would be. I know, I know, butt-suck. Anyway, I'm just going to quit promising you guys that I'll be awesome and just start actually trying to do it. Deal? Deal. Sometimes, you just need a teensy weensy break from the blogosphere, though, ya feel? Not that I don't love you all and love doing this but sometimes a girl just needs some personal time. ;) Anyway, with Summer in full swing I've really been enjoying rides in my sissy's lil convertible buggy -pictured above! Seriously, there's nothing quite like riding top down in da Summa! Anyway, for those of you who are still listening, I'm back and I hope you all don't hate me for being gone for so long! :)