
Bumpdate 18 Weeks!

I think most of you that still read my blog -when I actually post, haha- follow me on instagram so you already know that I'm pregnant. If not...SURPRISE. ;) Anyway, I am 18 weeks along and will be 19 weeks on Tuesday! GAH! I'm basically halfway done. CRAZY. Anyway, I figured it was about time to do some updates on pregnancy! Also, the pink wall has nothing to do with the gender of the baby; I just liked how it looked. :)

Let's start with, how I broke the news to Mitch: It was a Sunday in January. My period was already two days late but I didn't think much of it because my period is usually always two days late, haha! After we came home from church, though, Mitch just couldn't stop raving about babies and saying, "What if you're pregnant already? You could be pregnant right now!!" This got me wondering so I quietly stepped into the bathroom to use a spare test from months earlier, when we had actually been trying. I took the test and a few minutes later the results came back positive! In the moment I honestly was in pure shock. I couldn't believe it and honestly just felt so overwhelmed with feeling unprepared for this so I just hid the test in my bathroom drawer, thinking I'd break the news to Mitch when I had processed it a little more myself. When I came out of the bathroom, though, Mitch just kept raving about how I could be pregnant and what if I was pregnant. Seeing how excited he was at the possibility of my being pregnant, I knew I couldn't keep him in the dark about it so I had him sit down while I went to grab the test. When I came back out I just handed it to him and was almost instantly scooped up into a giant bear hug. Mitch was SO excited, haha. He spun me around, shouted, ran around our apartment and just couldn't contain his happiness. I honestly should have filmed it! His excitement really helped me feel more at ease and less nervous! 

Alright, let's just break down the rest of the post into little question/answer type bullets!

Cravings: Eggs, any kind, any time. Carne asada and cheese burgers. PIZZA and mac & cheese. YUMMMMMM. The only one of these cravings I like giving in to, though, are the eggs haha. 

How big is baby?: The baby is now 5 1/2 ounces and 7 inches long which is apparently the size of a bell pepper! Crazy how a bell pepper can manage to hide in my stomach and not really show unless it's after lunch, haha! 

Total Weight Gain: I don't know for sure on this one since I hadn't weighed myself since before I got married but going off what I weighed at my first doctor's appointment I think I'm at 10lbs. Which kind of freaks me out, haha, so I try not to think about it too much. If I stay within an average range, though, I've still got another 15-20lbs to go. Yikes! 

Maternity Clothes: I haven't gotten any yet because I haven't really been showing too much, although, my jeans are starting to be uncomfortably snug so I'm thinking it's time!

Sleep?: What sleep? Haha. Sleeping has been super uncomfortable. Now that I can't sleep on my back that is the only position I want to sleep in and that doesn't hurt in some way, figures. So yeah, me and sleep are enemies right now and I don't imagine that will be changing any time soon. 

Symptoms: Breast tenderness came back with a vengeance this week. Stomach aches have subsided but been replaced with...get ready for this TMI...major gas and constipation. Not much of an enjoyable trade to say the least.

Gender: We don't know the gender yet and even, though, we could find out at our next doctor's appointment on the 18th, we have decided to not find out and be surprised! A lot of people don't get why we want to do this, but honestly I just think it will be so special to find out when he/she makes his/her grand appearance. I can't wait!

Belly Button In Or Out: It's still in since I don't have much of a belly yet but I suspect it will be out once my belly gets bigger. Ack!

What I Miss: I really super miss not having some sort of constant stomach discomfort, whether it be a stomach ache or constipation. I also miss feeling like I could see progress when I went to the gym because now a days I go with zero expectations of seeing a difference, haha.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Baby giggles, soft round baby belly, and seeing Mitch be a dad. I really think he will be so great. He's so excited already and I just know he's going to give the baby so much love! 

Bump?: It's never visible in the mornings or after a workout but more prominent after I've eaten larger meals like lunch or dinner. The little belly you see above is thanks to my post-lunch bloat, haha. :)

Well, that's all for now. Much love!