
Noah's Half Birthday

I have a SIX MONTH OLD baby! What? I can hardly believe we've had this little guy in our lives for half a year already. I know I'm posting this super late, but better late than never. To keep it simple I'll post six things about my sweet boy now that he is six months old.

1. He HATES bananas. Like, literally gags if banana is anywhere near his mouth. I'm thinking we will take trying solids very slowly, and at his pace.

2. He loves being kissed, hearing the "smooching" sound, giving slobbery kisses, and seeing his mom and dad smooch! He's just all about kisses haha.

3. He is such a strong sitter now and is loving exploring the world from new positions.

4. He is great at scooting backward but hasn't quite figured out how to move himself forward yet, haha.

5. He is SO GOOD at doing pushups. He legitimately puts me to shame hahaha.

6. He loves people watching and the outdoors. He is not about spending the whole day at home, haha, and requires at least one adventure a day.

Anyway, that's our bub at six months! I love watching my little man grow and develop and seeing his little personality shine more and more each day!

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