
One of those days

I had something pretty specific to post about today and then it all went to shuck because today was one of those days. Those days where everything is just "stupid, stupid, stupid" and you want to reserve the right to shout that as you stomp your foot and clench your fists like the three year old inside of you that was ticked off by the day's events. The day started out perfectly alright, and the majority of the day wasn't actually all that bad. In fact, it was actually pretty good. But THEN all of these tiny inconsequential annoyances started piling up and piling up until I got to tonight. Tonight, when I'm sitting here typing this out with a massive headache, at that point right in between punching a donkey or having a massive ugly cry session. Haven't really decided which route to go yet, but seeing as my access to a donkey is pretty limited I might just have to go with the massive ugly cry sesh. In lieu of my original topic, which will now be saved for Friday, I will be indulging myself in a nice and peachy complaining post. Enjoy. Or skip out on my whining and just look at the outfit pictures. I'll leave the decision up to your lovely selves. Now, before I get started on my whining session I have to inform you all that for the most part I like to look on the bright side. No matter how wrongly things are going I like to remain as utterly annoyingly cheerful as possible. I try to stay bright, positive, and happy. No matter how crappy the day is. I'm still a human, though, so there are still just those days that so many small things pile up to equal a massively cranky me. Oh, and you'll be surprised by how shockingly stupid the things that piled up to this enormously annoyed me are.

It all started with the wind. The wind and I are archenemies. I hate the wind. The wind hates me. It's annoying to have to run in, it always blows my hair all over my face so that I'm walking around blind, it incessantly feels the need to display my underwear to the world by blowing up my skirts or dresses, and it finds it incredibly hilarious to slam any and all types of doors in my face. Then the annoyances continued when I started to get an incessant ache all throughout my joints and muscles. It's something that usually happens to me the day after a particularly hard run. I'm sure there is some sort of scientific explanation for this, but I am not aware of it. All I know is that the day after a speed or long run my muscles and joints swell up and ache like a monkey's uncle. Not a sore muscle type of pain, though, an arthritic like pain if you will. It blows. Next, sleep deprivation started to kick in. I'm not one to be able to stay up very late. The latest I can barely manage to stay up is 11 o'clock, and that's pushing it. Last night, though, I had the brilliant stroke of genius that I should have a mini Downton Abbey marathon. Don't judge me for being a Downton fan, I have already openly admitted to you all that I'm basically a 75 year old woman. Plus, I'm a rabid fan of all things British. Anyway, I decided that since season four premiered on Sunday (Yay! But actually boo because it only premiered in the UK and won't premiere in the U.S. till January) I had to finally finish watching season three. That meant watching five one hour long episodes back to back. I started this crazy marathon at 8 which means that I was up until one in the morning watching Downton Abbey. At the time it seemed totally worth it to stay up two hours past my utter limit, I mean, Sybil died! She DIED! And I totally sobbed. I'm not just talking tears here, I'm talkin' full on body shaking audible sobs. That's how deep I get into this show. I know, it's sad. Whatever.

 {h&m: blazer, layered necklace similar, knit socks, sheer tights, star ring; Tanger Outlets: dress similar; Tilly's: boots similar}
Anyway, it felt totally worth it to stay up watching five hours of Downton Abbey until at the end of the last episode stupid Mathew had to go and die too (waaaaa!). Oh and then there's the fact that no matter how late I go to bed my body can never seem to let me sleep in passed 7:30 so even though I hadn't gone to sleep till one I still woke up at 7:30. So, by the time four o'clock rolled around I was completely and utterly beat. I was still at work, though, so I told myself that I had to persevere and remain cheery! But THEN the lack of sleep headache set in and my star ring got caught on my tights and tore a massive hole in them, rendering them utterly useless (good thing I still have another pair). By that time my will to remain cheerful was quickly diminishing, and along with it was going any last traces I had of energy. I started to flip through the photos for this post and I realized that what I had thought was the cutest part of the outfit wasn't even showing up very well because of the lighting. I had loved the combination of sheer tights with knee high knit socks and boots. However, upon looking at the pictures I noticed that you couldn't really tell the difference between my boots and my socks, and THAT folks is the last stupid annoyance that just threw me overboard. Then cranky Allexis came out and it got ugly. Not really, though, because all I did was just close up shop and go home quietly raging to air my grievances in this post.

Much Love! ;)

Linking up With: Because Shanna Said So, The Pleated Poppy


  1. On the bright side, this is a gorgeous outfit....but man, season 3 of Downton Abbey is rough. I watched it all first by myself and had my heart broken, and then I wanted to share it with my family....and when Sybil and Matthew died, my whole entire family was bawling. My 16 year old sister was sobbing for probably 30 minutes after matthew died....we were all just hugging each other and crying. She's currently swearing that somehow, he's still alive. Waiting till January is very hard!!

    1. Haha thanks Rachel! SO sad, right?! Stupid Mathew...he was my favorite! Read this buzzfeed article about it, though, so funny! http://www.buzzfeed.com/lyapalater/how-it-felt-watching-season-three-of-downtown-abbey-as-told


  2. Oh goodness, I've had days like that, too. And you described them perfectly, especially being on the edge between punching something or a massive cry. I hope your week improved from them. At the very least, you look absolutely lovely in this outfit and I want to copycat it. :)

    And yes, Downton Abbey - I was so mad/sad at that last episode. :(

    1. Thanks so much Amanda!! Oh yay, I'm glad you liked it! Email me if you ever do, I'd love to see your version!! I know right? Major UGH for Downton right now! ;)


  3. Fun outfit combo - I am loving those layered necklaces!

    1. Thanks Lisa!! Thanks for stopping by. :)


  4. Oh, I hate the wind too - I've had far too many 'Marilyn Monroe' moments because of it. And it does mess with blogging photos. :) But you look super cute, despite your rotten day. Hoping tomorrow is better1

    1. I know right? Those Marilyn Monroe moments aren't all they're cracked up to be! Amen, to the messing up blogging photos sista! Thanks Cate!!


  5. Such a cute outfit! I am seriously in love with that skirt. Also, I had to stop reading when I saw Downton Abbey, because I still haven't seen the last season and don't want any spoilers!!! I know, it's bad. I really need to get on that.


    1. Thanks Katie! I'm literally in love with the tulle skirt on your home page!! Ah, I should've put a spoiler alert! I just figured I was the only one who hadn't finished season three yet! Get watching ASAP, though! I can promise you will cry like no other!

