top: c/o OASAP
shorts: c/o OASAP
sneakers: F21
sunnies: F21
photos: Haley Nord
With summer coming to it's close I decided to put together a few "end of Summer" looks for you all! I started off my "end of Summer" looks with this cute watermelon tshirt and high waisted shorts because what says summer more than watermelons, and shorts? Nothin' I tell you! :) I actually styled this cute tshirt one more way that I'll also be sharing with you all in the next few days! Also, can we talk about these photos? They. Are. So. Awesome. Haley did such a stellar job. Seriously, when I put on this outfit I wasn't quite sure how I felt about it, but after seeing these photos I'm like, "daaaaaaaaaaaaang, girl, I like dis outfit. Dis a nice outfit." Also, Haley just did such an awesome job of capturing that "end of summer" look/feeling. She is awesome. Check out her insta. FOLLOW her insta. I promise you will not regret it!
Much love!
Two of my favorites off the picky eater Buzzfeed list:
When someone cooks something for you that you don't like and you have to eat it to be polite but can't hide your disgust.
When someone asks you WHY you don't like something.