
It's not my fault I'm happy

{Top: old similar, skirt: F21, boots: Charlotte Russe similar}
Spring is finally in the air! It's rainy rather than snowy, at LAST, and we're finally reaching the 50's. How glorious! Oh and guess what...it's officially March! The month of my birth and consequently my favorite month of the year!! I will be 21 in exactly 16 days. Kind of freaky! As always I'm pretty excited, and I have to admit that in my almost 21 years of living I never quite outgrew that slightly annoying/childish habit of reminding everyone daily how many days are left till my birthday. Birthdays are just so fun, ya know? Most especially when it's your own birthday!!

Usually, I have a pretty clear idea of what I want to do for the blessed event the moment that March 1st rolls around but this year I'm coming up blank. I can't think of a single thing I want to do for my birthday. I think it's partially due to the fact that turning 21 has been turned into this massive deal, because of the whole legal drinking age thing. I don't drink, though, so turning 21 isn't much different for me than say...turning 5, 70, or 19 would be. I mean, don't get me wrong. I think being 21 will be cool enough, but it just feels a little overrated. Anyway, that's why I'm struggling with ideas. I feel like there's an insane amount of pressure to do something over the top, and I mean I DO want to do something extra special I just can't think of what that extra special something could be. Oh well, I'm sure I'll think of something.

In other news, last night one of my favorite bands, Passion Pit, came. I missed the show because of how quickly it sold out. Being the concert addict that I am, I was pretty disappointed. It ended up not being so bad that I missed it, though, because the best friend recently got herself her very own first place and I went over there last night to revel in all its first place glory. It was pretty awesome and as far as first places go I'd say its pretty snazzy! We had a fun time watching Easy A, but mostly talking over the movie, and stuffing our faces chuck full of Oreos and peanut butter. Oh, and peanut butter and Oreos? Yeah, a match made in heaven! I mean, the creators of the Lindsay Lohan version of The Parent Trap were seriously geniuses for planting the idea of Oreos and peanut butter into the minds of 90's children across the country. We also had some interesting space cadet/airhead/dumb blonde or whatever you want to call it moments as we tried to set up a DVD player. In our defense, though, the TV we were trying to hook it up to was just about as old as my little brother and pushed up against a wall, which made it a little hard to access. I wish I could say we prevailed but the TV won and we ended up moving the movie marathon to a different room and different TV. All in all, though, it was a fun night full of random conversation, fits of laughter, and cookies. To some that might not spell out an evening of fun, but for me a calm evening in good company will always be welcome! Which brings me to this photo that I came across on another blog, which spoke volumes for me!
After all, who says there's anything wrong with a calm life? It's not my fault I'm happy with a regular old peaceful existence. :) ...and on that note, here's one of my favorite tunes from Passion Pits new album!

Much love!

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