
I'm a little airplane

{Ross: chambray top similar; Target: shorts they're on sale for $5 in stores!; Charlotte Russe: heels similar; F21: earrings similar H&M: hat}
You know those days that aren't technically bad, yet you're irritated the whole day anyway? One of those days when you kinda just want to fist punch a camel covered in fruit punch? I kind of had one of those days. There was nothing wrong with today, but it was irritating me nonetheless. How's about we talk about something fun, then? Eh? Eh?? Like childhood! Oh, those were the days! The days when I basically sang all of about five songs on repeat the whole day. The ABC's was my go to bathroom song...gross? Maybe. But, hey, I was 5 so sue me if I liked having a toilet song to jam out to! Then of course there was any song by The Cranberries, Zombie was one of my faves, though. These next two where my go to play time favorites: Take My Picture by Filter and I'm a Little Airplane by Barney. When I was 5 I was going through this airplane phase. I loved anything to do with airplanes: the sky, clouds, airports, pilots, the whole shebang. In fact I'm pretty sure if you had asked me what I wanted to be at the time I probably would've said I wanted to be an airplane. That's right, not a pilot, an  airplane. I don't know if any of you know the "I'm a Little Airplane" song by Barney but it goes a little something like this: "I'm a little airplane neeeow, neeeow, neeeow." You basically just repeat that verse over and over again while you run in circles with your arms outstretched acting like an airplane. Clearly, I was the annoying sibling. Anyway, "Take My Picture" by Filter mentioned airplanes so it was an instant hit for my five year old self. In my young mind it was possibly the best song ever written. I mean listen to it. It is pretty awesome. 

Oh, and You are My Sunshine, which my kindergarten teacher was awesome enough to teach me, was the last of my favorites. I sang it whenever I felt lonely or sad and in need of cheering up. For all of those other in between moments of childhood I would just make up my own little tunes about what I was doing. Sigh...such fond memories! Well, I no longer feel like fist punching a fruit punch covered camel! 

Much love! 

P.S. the shorts are a lot longer than they look, they just ride up like craaazy! 

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