
31 Day Chip

If I were in alcoholics anonymous, I'd be getting a one month chip right about now. That's right folks, I have now gone a complete 31 days without shopping! Whoop, whoop! Are you all proud of me? I'm proud of me! 31 days down, 334 to go! And hey, why not call my "Closet Challenge" my own personal form of "Shopaholics Anonymous"? I'm personally awarding myself my own 31 day S.A. chip! Anyway, now that I've gone a complete month without shopping, I thought it'd be a good idea to do an end of the month review. Outfit wise, I think I did pretty dang well if I do say so myself. Pinterest was a huge help, a HUGE help. Without all the daily inspiration I don't know if I would have made it! I have to admit, there were "tear my hair out" moments when I just wanted to really, really give in and buy a butt load of new clothes, BUT...I didn't. Eh, eh? That's pretty huge. The online browsing, though? That was tougher. Much, much, tougher. Admittedly, I online browsed a leetle too much. A couple of pluses, though? I actually wore a lot of the things that I used to just let lie around in the back of my closet! And, every time I went to campus to make a tuition payment, it felt so good. So. Good. It felt better than wearing any new item of clothes would have. Who knows, maybe I might even cure myself of my shopping ways and never shop again! Haha. Ha. Ha. Just kidding, but my "Closet Challenge" is definitely helping me get my priorities straight and realign my perspective on needs and wants. Now, onto the fun stuff! My top four favorite looks of the month! Drum roll please...

My top two favorites where my 'sweatshirt with a skirt' looks. I'm just really, really digging that combo right now, and forgive me, but you'll all probably be seeing variations of it a lot more! :) My third favorite was my leather jacket and plain white tee combo! There's nothing better than revamping classics! Although, my favorite thing about this look, are the cuffed jeans. I'm so glad cuffed jeans are making a come back because now the fact that I have to cuff most of my jeans anyway isn't so bad, never mind that the jeans pictured above are petite. ;) Also, baggy boyfriend shorts and a chunky cardigan? Comfy combo made in heaven, am I right? Need I say more? ;) Also, I have an emoticon problem. I add winky faces into my posts way too much. It's almost like I'm a sleezy mustache man. ;) Drat. Did it again. Just call me the winky face perv. ;) Gosh, I just can't stop, I'll just enroll myself in Emoticons Anonymous too while I'm at it. 

Much love!


  1. Hey, I haven't bought anything new to wear this month, either, though I have been tempted by a few cute dresses...

    1. That is so cool, good job Rachel!! Oh boy have I been tempted too!


  2. Woohoo! Congrats on still managing to look fabulous. xoxo

    1. Aw, girl, you are too sweet, thanks!!


  3. just stumbled across your blog--and my goodness, you are darling!

    1. Thanks Kelli! You are so sweet! :)

