
Ya da Ya da

I feel like I write this post every month. The whole, "I promised I wouldn't change my blog design, ya da ya da, I just couldn't help myself, ya da ya da." This time around my excuse is that I just got a free trial of Photoshop, InDesign, AND Illustrator so well, I just had to. ;) Guys, the difference is NIGHT and DAY. I mean, look at the crispness of the header image! AND the clarity of the social media tabs! Sigh, I'm dying. I wish I could afford to actually BUY the entire Creative Suite. If only, right? I think I'll just make myself a good six or eight blog designs while my free trial lasts so I can have new templates to switch out whenever I get antsy. In other news, I've been having a lot of deep thoughts as of late, which, if we're going to be brief, sum up to this, life is goooood, yo. Lately, I've just been feeling super grateful for my outwardly "boring" life. And really, I've just been having one of those weeks were all of the incredible blessings in my life are especially evident. Even the simple things, like just plain old being alive. I mean, if we think about it, just plain old waking up in the morning everyday is a huge blessing. I just love everyone and everything right now. Love. Love. Love. I swear I'm not whacked up on cotton candy right now.

Also, my hair is getting to that stage where it's just blah. Ya know, that poopy stage where it just never sits quite right, and just always looks weird? Yeah, that stage. For the most part, I've been wearing it parted in the middle but since it's hit that weird stage it just hasn't been looking so hot. I think I'm going to go to a salon and get some shape put into it and have it actually get cut for a middle part. Snippy snip. Oh, and just a quick announcement! I won't have my usual Tuesday post up in lieu of a MAJOR post I'll have for you all on Wednesday! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some Downtown to watch. And last episode, Lady Edith was about to go off on a 9 month sabbatical, to deliver a...package...if you catch my drift. Sssssscandalous.

Bodysuit: F21 cute option
Heels: Charlotte Russe similar

Much love!


  1. Allexis you nailed this outfit! Absolutely love it and such a perfect outfit for this Spring like weather we have been having as of late (; I really want that body suit I gave mine away after I got married and now I'm regretting it.. totally need them for that perfectly tucked in look. About to go check out that link to F21 and see if they have any I like (: Also, really loving the blog design you did a great job. My blog has some serious work to do but I honestly just don't have time to fiddle with it right now with the babe and all.

    Dearest Lou

    1. Cecilia! Gosh, thanks a bunch!! My gosh, F21 has like a BUNCH of bodysuits right now and I want all of them! The bad thing is that they sell out fast! The one I'm wearing sold out in a week! Eek, thanks, I'm glad you like it, I worked a ton on it! Pshh, what are you talking about, I LOVE your blog design! If you want a new header or any little sidebar widgets I'd be more than happy to draft some for you and see what you think! Haha, if you can't tell, I'm a little photoshop/illustrator high right now! ;)

