
Ma Home Girl V Mars

Is it too early for maxi's and sandals? Eh? If it is, I don't currrr. Tuesday was a blissful 62 degrees and there was no way I was going to let that pass by without bringing out some warmer weather pieces. Also, as part of my birthday celebrations last week, my sister took me out to see VERONICA MARS!!! EEP! I was SO excited!! The movie premiered on the 14th but in Utah, for some reason, there was only ONE theater in the entire state that was showing it on the actual premiere date! All of the others wouldn't be showing it till the 28th. And we all know there's no way I'd be waiting THAT long to see one of my all time favorite tv series hit the big screen! Anyway, the day before my birthday we jumped in the car and drove out 30 MILES to see it! It was TOTALLY worth it! As my sister can testify, I was totally and completely crazy fan girl squealing almost the ENTIRE time. It would've been the WHOLE entire time, but, obviously, I had tsk, boo, and blow raspberries whenever there was a Piz scene. I hate that guy. Logan and Veronica forever!!! Again I say, #crazyfangirl. ;) Also, the theater we went to? Yeah, the seats were INcredible!!! They were leather, more plush than a baby's bottom, had a kick out foot rest, AND were reclinable!!! We were geeking out in pure Greek Goddess comfort! Now, what kind of Veronica Mars geeky fan post would this be if I didn't post one of my favorite lines from the series? Here it is!!

[Veronica is trying to change a flat tire]
Troy: Flat?
Veronica: Just as God made me.

Amen, Veronica. Amen. Holla to all my small chested gurrls! ;) (also, please excuse all of my ghett-O talk in this post. My inner, hardened by a life of crime in the Bronx, Diva is coming out. Not that I would even know what a hardened by a life of crime in the Bronx Diva would be like. I've never even been to the Bronx, much less lived a life of crime ;)
Military Jacket: Old Navy similar
Tank: F21 similar
Maxi Skirt: F21 similar
Sandals: F21 (sold out in silver similar here)
Necklace: American Eagle 
Sunnies: F21 similar

These sandals were another birthday present, and I'm SOOOOOOOO in love with them! Metallic Roman style sandals? Genius. I can already see myself wearing these errday. Also, what's better than a little coral and military jacket action? Noteeng. P.S. I finally finished watching ALL 8 seasons of Desperate Housewives last night and I'm kinda depressed about it now. Sigh...TV. ;) We all know the post Netflix apocalyptic marathon crash, right? Right? Just me? Whatever, I hate you guys anyway. Just kidding. ;) 

Much love!


  1. Love that coral skirt! And yes I feel a bit depressed when a show I watch is completely over. I came up with an idea that I should just be able to watch a brand new episode of the show that I want to see (right now, once upon a time), whenever I want to. It's "New episodes on demand". And they never stop making new episodes or end the show until I'm tired of it. Unfortunately I don't think this idea will work.

  2. In love with that skirt! It has great movement and that color is gorgeous!


  3. I love the color of this skirt, SO pretty!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes
