
twas the Sunday before Christmas

{Denim shirt//skirt: Ross, Shoes: Charlotte Russe, Bird Necklace: F21}

Hello friends! (I haven't actually told any of you dear friends about my blog yet -fear I guess- so its still private. But I want to greet you formally anyway for when I finally tell you and you all see this.) The Sunday before Christmas is always my favorite Sunday in December, and possibly the whole year. The lessons are always incredible and I absolutely adore singing all of the Christmas hymns! "Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains" is one of my favorites. It's so upbeat, spirited, and fun! It strangely always makes me want to cry, though. I guess for me it just reverberates the pure joy I feel about the birth of Christ so strongly that it overwhelms me. I went double duty this Sunday. My parents were asked to speak at sacrament this Sunday at their Spanish ward, and I went to hear them -in addition to going to my singles ward. All in all it was an incredible Sunday!

I guess it's time for a few words on the outfit! For this ENTIRE year I had been hunting for a good and affordable denim shirt. My search never yielded any results, though. I would either find really adorable ones that were out of my price range or I would find ones in my price range that were just lacking in the fab factor. Most of the really cute and just plain old perfect ones ranged from $20-$40. Call me cheap, but between tuition and all of my other bills I just wasn't willing to lay down $20 for a denim shirt. Then finally, on a shopping trip at Ross with my sweet sister, Allison, I came across The One! This little baby cost me a total of $13! Not bad, eh? I fell in love with the shade of the denim, and just its overall look. But here's the catch, it's a large. I tried to see if I would be lucky enough to find one in a small, but no luck. I decided it wouldn't matter if I styled it right so the baggy oversize look could look cute! Plus, tucked into this AMAZEballs skirt (which, coincidentally I found on the same shopping trip for the amazing price of $7) you can't even tell it's a large!  The funny part about it all is that I had gone to Ross on the hunt for a black pencil skirt and I ended up leaving the store with two completely different items! 

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