
Chart Toppers!

I am a reading and movie junkie. When I'm not running, working, or going to school I'm spending my time reading or watching a movie. In fact, I often actually procrastinate running and doing anything school related in favor of reading or watching a movie. Barnes & Noble is my heaven, and Netflix is the kryptonite to my school work and fitness. Anyway, I thought it'd be fun to do a list of my top 5 favorite books, and movies of 2012. So if you're a book and movie junkie like myself, this one's for you!

Top 5 Reads

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. -What an AMAZING book. Witty, and fun! If you don't cry by the end of this book, you've got a rock for a heart!!
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. A riveting story. Splendidly written, and really emphasizes the effects of even the smallest actions on peoples lives.
The Death Cure by James Dashner. If you're obsessed with dystopian novels, like myself, this is a book for you! This is actually the third book in the Maze Runner Trilogy. 
Legend by Marie Lu. This is another dystopian novel. I guess I just have a thing for books about cataclysmic declines in society, and totalitarian governments, haha. This one really is a good one, though! It's got action, romance, and suspense!
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. This is probably one of my all time favorite books! I read it a minimum of, oh, a thousand times a year. I first read it in an AP English class back in high school and I've been smitten ever since! I mean, what girl wouldn't want themselves a piece of the fine action that are Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy?!
As for top movies that came out in 2012, I've really only got two because they were both so good they blew the rest out of the water, which is saying something because I watch A LOT of movies. If a week goes by that I haven't gone to the theater its a sad week. Not to mention that Tuesday's are one of my favorite days of the week. Why? Because new releases at Red Box! Oh and I can't even count the hours I've spent watching Netflix. Yeah...I'm definitely addicted to movies. Anyway here are my top two!

Moonrise Kingdom! I adored this movie. It was the quirky tale of two tween lovers. Humorous, romantic, quirky, and fun! Not to mention, the clothing in this movie is to die for! 
The Dark Knight Rises! An incredible finale to an incredible trilogy! Too good for words. Plus I've always been a fan of Batman. I grew up watching the Batman cartoons, and The Justice League and reading DC comics (That's right, I'm also a comic nerd) so I have a sweet spot for DC hero movies. Or anything DC related, really.
Well, that raps up my lists! Happy New Year everyone! Fingers crossed for a fabulous 2013!


  1. The Fault in Our Stars was a favorite and I just watched Moonrise Kingdom the other night - SO sweet! Great list!

    1. Thanks! I got so many amazing quotes out of The Fault in Our Stars! "The existence of broccoli in no way affects the taste of chocolate." Great book.
