
My wallet died...and went to hell.

{Pooh Bear sweater: Ross, button up shirt: h&m, jeans: Arden B, suede boots: AE}

Well, today was my first day of classes! I was more than usually excited to be back because I had to take last semester off. Anyway, I decided to go with my Pooh Bear sweater and some boot cut jeans for my first day back look. Back when I was around 5, I had this pair of beige suede mary janes that had a Pooh Bear on them.  They were my absolute favorite pair of shoes. I actually wore them on my very first day of kindergarten. I just thought they were the cutest things ever and I wore them with basically everything. Well, I eventually out grew them but I replaced them with another Pooh Bear related item. A white sweater with Pooh Bear and stars on it that said, "Make a Wish". My older sister claims this sweater was actually hers, but as my memory recalls it was mine. I mean, I was the one that wore it all the time...and I even have the pictures to prove it (she's probably getting annoyed as she reads this).  Anyway, I LOVED that sweater! Just as much as I had loved those shoes. You would think that with this Pooh Bear obsession of mine, I had been a fan of the Winnie the Pooh Bear show. I actually wasn't. I actually didn't even watch the show all that often. So what spun the love of Winnie? Well, I think it was just simply the comforting look of that cuddly little chunk a chunk of a bear. He was so adorable, and when I wore something with him on it I felt comforted, safe, and warm. So obviously when I found this sweater at Ross, I HAD to have it! Although it did make me feel all warm inside like the one I had when I was younger, it did nothing to keep me safe from the INSANE cold. It was 18 degrees outside today but it felt more like -2. I need to bunker down for a BRUTAL winter!

Anyway, in other news, I'm going to be broker than a butt crack for a long while. Turns out my painting class is going to cost me close to $200 just in supplies! AND, then there's still the cost of all of the text books I'll need for my other classes! So it looks like redesigning this little space of the web of mine, and sponsoring a few blogs to help build a following will have to wait a couple of weeks! I'm pretty good at managing my money, and I always have a bit of cash to spare to spend on clothing but it looks like my wallet's residence in college hell is going to make any new purchases impossible. Sigh...I guess I have enough clothes anyway...but how will I resist?! I know in the grand spectrum of things wanting to constantly buy new clothing seems petty, but new clothing and fashion is just one of the ways I take my mind off of the difficult situations in my life right now. Anyway, enough of that, I'm a very blessed individual and it felt good to be back at school! I hope those of you starting the new semester soon have a great first day!

P.S. The fuzzy little guy in the last picture is my 5 month old pup, Roku. He came to pick me up at the TRAX station with my sister. 

1 comment:

  1. it was my sweater. I got it for Christmas, also I didn't get to wear it often because my cute little sister was always wearing it.
