
So long, farewell

{Dress//Earings//ring: F21, heels: Gianni Bini}
Hello all! Today was the farewell of one of my very best friends, Marilyn! She's the tall one in the center. We've been friends since she moved into my old neighborhood almost 13 years ago. Wow, I can't believe it's been that long already. I have to tell you, she's one of my favorite people in the world! She's so genuine and funny! She's so unabashedly herself, but not in one of those pushy brutally honest ways. I'll miss her for the next 18 months while she's serving as a missionary in Toronto, Canada but I couldn't be prouder of her. All the same, we had a good time reminiscing on those good old high school days and all of the insane shenanigans we got into!

On to the outfit! I know I promised myself that now that the semester started and I would need to buy all of my supplies I wouldn't buy ANY new clothes...but I caved. I figured, hey I've got a couple of farewell's coming up this month and a few other things so I think I can justify buying this dress...and a couple of other items. I have issues. I really am a shopaholic. BUT, I'm going to work on it. Meagan, over at one of my favorite blogs, becauseofjackie.com, has committed to no shopping for 30 days and I'm committing to joining her! So, no more shopping for this girl for the next 30 days, and I will attempt to purge my closet. Just like Meagan, I need to get rid of anything I haven't worn in the past 6 months. Sounds simple enough right? Wrong. It will be an EXTREMELY hard thing for me to do. I get emotionally attached to clothing. I see it all and think back on the memories I made while wearing it. Plus, when I go through all of my clothing I know I'll just start making excuses and thinking, "welllll...I MIGHT need to wear it again so it should stay". On top of being a shopaholic I'm also apparently a hoarder. Anyway, since I bought this dress with the excuse that I would be wearing it A LOT this month I'm committing to actually doing so, and I'll post the different ways I styled it this month!

Happy Sunday!