

{H&M: booties similar; Target: boyfriend jeans; F21: graphic tank similar, earings similar; Jacket: gifted similar}
It's moments like these that make us really appreciate life and all the people and things that make each of our lives special. It seems as though there have been many tragedies, such as the one in Boston, happening all over the world left and right. While each tragedy has been shocking and saddening, for me this tragedy struck a little closer to home. I'm a third generation runner. My mom is a marathoner and her dad before her was a marathoner. I've participated in many races as both a runner and a supporter of a runner. As a distance runner there is just such a deep sense of accomplishment that you get when you see that finish line just inches away from your feet, when you see that clock reflecting the time you were pushing yourself to finish at. More than all that, though, the best part is to look to the sidelines and see your loved ones jumping up and down cheering your name. I can't imagine how horrifying it must have been to have all of that taken away in mere seconds. Although there isn't much that we can do to help, other than include the victims and their families in our prayers, I think it's important to take a moment out of the 'go go go' nature of our lives to pause and remember that there are people out there who are hurting emotionally and physically. To pause and think of all of the reasons we have to be thankful for our own lives, and remember that despite these awful things the world is still a thing to marvel at and be thankful for. With that said, I don't know about you guys but I'm a wallower. When sad things happen to me personally or to others, I tend to wallow...a lot. Lets not wallow, though, because making ourselves miserable doesn't show respect for the victims, appreciation for our lives, or help in any way. When I'm feeling down, there's a phrase that never fails to cheer me up, "cheer up buttercup". I don't know why it always helps. Maybe it's because buttercup is such a cute word, or maybe it's just the combination of words that I find comforting but it always helps. To all of us I say then, "cheer up buttercup". Finally, when we all need cheering there are certain images that never fail to raise our spirits, bring a smile to our lips, make us laugh, and/or get the warm fuzzies inside!

Here they are, enjoy!

1. Puppies, because nothing makes you feel fuzzier inside than a fuzzy little monster. Plus, the one on the bottom right is just hilarious!

2. A cute baby, because nothing brings a smile to a persons lips more than a chubby, googley eyed, drooling tiny human. And, yes, I know this video is so 2011 but it's still adorable!

3. Tadpoles. Yes, I realize I'm probably the only one who finds tadpoles cute, and actually I mostly only think they're weird. That's why they're so cool, though, because they're just so freaky and awesome. Now picture what I'm about to say next in this exact voice...
...I like tadpoles.

Much love!


  1. I had a friend who just finished the Boston Marathon and hopped on the subway back to her hotel just minutes from the time of the first bombing. I had never thought that praying for her protection that morning would have been needed to this magnitude! It's sad that such an accomplishment to finish let alone qualify for this race would be squandered by such an evil act, but how grateful those that survived uninjured must feel! And the rest of us too!
    Eva @ Snappee Turtle
