
Happy Earth Day...not really...but kind of...

 {Rue21: peasant top similar; Target: boyfriend jeans; H&M: booties similar; Abercrombie: belt similar}
It's Earth Day! ...actually, no, it's not but at Westminster since today was the last day of classes we celebrated early. There were chalk designs on the sidewalks announcing Earth day and the activities, there were booths all over the commons area advertising ways in which we could all help in being kinder to the earth, and of course there were food and treats EVERYwhere! World Dog, a local hot dog and sausage cart, came to provide us all with free hot dogs! They even had dun, dun, dun...veggie dogs for the non-meat eating humans such as myself! We had live tunes from Sugartown Alley, pedal powered smoothies, AND a mobile greenhouse made from a bus, which is the bus I'm standing in front of in the photos above! My favorite part of the activities, though, was probably this hang line with briefs on it. They had various ones all over campus, and they were hilarious! I mean, what's funnier than random underwear hanging on trees? Nothing.

See what I mean? Their purpose was actually to encourage people to use their dryers less since they emit one ton of CO2 per year.

Oh, and remember this post from a while back in which I described my sheer and paralyzing phobia of birds? Well, as part of the Earth Day activities Westminster brought live raptors...I was freaking out at first, and on the verge of running away crying...but then...
The lady approached me so nicely and enthusiastically that I couldn't oppose to a little photo op with this terrifying beast. He was actually pretty calm and his feathers were uber soft! I actually ended up petting his feathers for almost a full minute...it was strangely soothing and it was helping me get over the fear that at any minute he was going to claw my eyes out. As I was walking away I heard another student ask the lady if he could pet the bird too, and she flat out refused because its not good to pet them...whoops! If we weren't allowed to pet him why the heck did she let me pet him for a whole bloody minute? Maybe, she could tell I was scared. They also had other raptors like these...

...the owl was the scariest one. My courage ended when I got to him. Of all the birds I fear owls are probably the worst. All I can say is that I had weird experience with an owl at an Old Navy and they've pretty much been at the top of my feared birds list ever since. Finally, here are a couple of pics of some of the loot I picked up!

These are my babies, I shall love and care for them dearly. I got a cilantro, spinach, tomato, and zucchini plant! How cool is that?! I've named them too. Pee Wee the zucchini plant, Tadpole the tomato plant, Lady the cilantro plant, and Porky the spinach plant.

Last but not least, a cool bug tattoo!

Much love, and happy early Earth Day!