
Am I even Funny? (And other Concerns)

If you read this post then you know that I was reading Mindy Kaling's book, Is Everyone Hanging Out 
Without Me? (And Other Concerns). Well, I finished it and it was...well, (If you watch How I Met Your Mother then imagine what I'm about to say next in Barney's voice) TOTALLY AWESOME! Anyway, it kind of got my creative/funny juices flowing and inspired me to write my own version of Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? Hence the title of this post. While it got me all inspired to narcissistically share with you all the life story of a young vaguely strange Guatemalan living in Utah it also got me wondering if I could even do it. I mean, I know I could totally write it all out, what I was wondering was if it would even be funny like I intend it to be. I mean, am I even funny? I like to think I am. Well, at least my friends tell me I'm vaguely humorous. If you've ever watched Emma, starring Gwyneth Paltrow, then you will understand why that last statement is funny. If you haven't then you will just read it without finding it at all humorous and move on...well, actually...what the heck? Why haven't you seen it, and what are you still doing reading this post? Stop reading and go watch it now. It's on Netflix! Actually, don't stop reading. Finish reading this whole post and then go watch a movie that will move you into falling in love with an older British male.

{F21: skirt similar, basic tank similar; Tanger Outlets: sunnies similar; Hat: borrowed from my sister; Sandals: Guatemala }
Anyway, back on point. For the next couple of blog posts I will be sharing with you all my life as I have seen it, with hopefully humorous and awe inspiring undertones that will make you all wish you were currently a 21 year old Guatemalan girl living in Utah blogging about the clothes she puts on her back and her semi interesting opinions. ;) Oh and I actually lied. This little venture of mine will probably not take a mere few blog posts. Why? If you've ever received a text from me then you already know the answer to this, but for the majority of you the answer is this: everything I say, whether it is said or written, is wordy to the EXTREME. I ramble and babble a lot. Example: if you ask me what I had for lunch I will proceed to tell you a ten minute story about everything that was going on around me and every tiny emotion I felt as I ate said lunch before I tell you what I actually had. -Insert French accent- I am told dees ees a habit most females have, no? Anyway, now you are prepped and ready for the blog posts to come. If you have little to no interest in hearing the tale of how a heroic tiny foreign brown girl living in a state most people wrongly associate with polygamy got to be a weird little fashion blogger then you can simply ignore the massive quantities of text you will see and simply look at and hopefully be inspired by the outfit I so coyly dressed myself in for the day. I will not be offended. Probably. Plus, the only way I'll have of knowing if you did or didn't read my life story told in broken up posts is if you comment with something like, "nice shoes". Which I will then proceed to answer with an "aww thanks" that will be genuinely heartfelt but still probably slightly hurt that you didn't actually read my riveting life story. ;)

Much Love!

Linking up with: The Pleated Poppy


  1. You are so cute in these photos! Love the skirt. And I'm already wishing I were a 21 year old Guatemalan living in Utah, hehe! Can't wait for more posts.

    xox Lara www.weheartbeautyblog.com

    1. Thanks Lara!! You're just the sweetest ever! Your comments always make me smile!!


  2. B-lexis ;)
    I read all your posts, and finally have a minute to comment. I think you are quite funny and I have come to adore getting to know you in this way. Keep it up girl! By the way, I tend to be quite wordy myself. Maybe that's why I like you so much! Much love back to you! Randi

    1. Aww thanks Randi!! You always make me smile with you sweet words! Haha, we're both readers so I think that's were we get our "wordiness". :)
