
Lists? Lists are Good.

I'm reading Mindy Kaling's book, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (and Other Concerns). It's pretty much pee your pants hilarious, but I mean this is Mindy we're talking about here so obviously it's ridiculously fun. Don't know who Mindy is? Shame on you. Go Google her now and read her entire Wikepedia description. If that isn't enough to convince you that she's awesome go watch an episode of "The Mindy Project". You will die of laughter and then come back from the dead just so you can watch the next episode. Not even kidding. Why am I sharing this with you? I think you should totally read it and bask in its hilarity, but mostly I'm sharing this information because, eh, I can't really think of anything else to say. I guess it's just one of those completely blank mind kind of days. Alright, to help with my blank mindedness how about we make a list? Lists are good. Alright, before we start I just made a random connection! You know that little minion in Disney's Hercules that says, "If? If is good." Well, that "List? Lists are good" that I just said totally reminded me of that so go back and re-read that line in the voice of that little minion!

{Ross: studded peter pan collar top similar here and here; Target: boyfriend jeans, wallet; H&M: pink wedges similar; F21: earrings borrowed from my baby sister}
Onto the list! What is passing through my mind right. This. Second.

  1. I'm watching Admission right now. You know, that rom-com with Tina Fey and Paul Rudd? I'm like 15 minutes in and I'm already totally heart melting like warm butter down hot toast over Paul Rudd's adorable smile! Sigh. He's gotten cuter with age. I mean, he was totally baby puppy cute in Clueless but now he's lost the awkwardness that came with wearing the 90's male version of mom jeans. Eep! Just watched a scene in which Tina Fey goes in for a cheek kiss and accidentally ends up VERY awkwardly smacking her mouth into Paul's open mouth. Ha, hilariously awkward! 
  2. I'm in the process of getting a new mattress so I've been sleeping on the couch. I've never been one to give a crud about sleeping comfort. I know. I'm weird. I just have never really been a big fan of sleeping. If I could do without it, I totally would. Anyway, with that said, I never thought that I would miss a bed so much. Couches are not comfortable. I don't know how my sister slept on a couch for almost two years. She's a beast. 
  3. I may or may not have fantasized about future engagement and wedding photos last night. We've all done it before right? Right? Ok, maybe it's just me then. Call me crazy but I fantasize more about the engagement and wedding PHOTOS than the actual engagement or wedding. I totally know where (a green field up in the mountains of Utah or a totally colorful meadow) I would want to take them and I can totally already envision how I'd pose and everything. Crazy seeing as I'm single, but I mean what kind of girl would I be if I didn't occasionally imagine these things. It's completely healthy. Completely. Plus, this was a may or may not have situation here so you guys can't be sure whether I did or didn't. ;)
  4. Mint and pink? New favorite color combo. Is it vain to say I totally loved my own outfit? 
  5. My puppy sucks at being my male model. He refused to cuddle, stand still, do anything remotely adorable, or even face the camera, that is why you are all being flattered with images of his butt. You love it. ;)
Well, that's my list for ya. Hope I didn't bore you all to death.

Much Love!

Linking up with: The Pleated Poppy


  1. love this top! thanks for stopping by and leaving such kind words! I'm your newest follower, hope you can follow back!


    1. Hi Jen, thanks girl and no problem!! :)


  2. Gorgeous top! The color is also very pretty :) I am a sucker for collars, anyway. So you won me over with this one!

    If you have a sec, I would love to hear your thoughts on my latest: http://fashchronicles.blogspot.com

    1. Awww thanks Abigail!! I loved collared tops too! Sometimes, I think they make me look like I'm 12 but then I realize I don't really care if I look 12 haha. :)

