
Wear Watcha Wanna Wear

Hello dears...I know, I know. It's been a while. I meant to post this on Friday but then I got lazy and decided to read a book instead. Then I meant to post this on Saturday but then I had to work and when I got back I decided to finish aforementioned book instead. (I was reading The 5th Wave, in case you were wondering. I highly recommend it. Thrilling, action packed, a little bit fear inducing, hilarious, and a touch romantic.) THEN, I was going to post this on Sunday, BUT then I got lazy again after church and decided to take a nap and start watching One Tree Hill on Netflix instead. One of my best friends has been trying to cajole me into watching it for quite sometime. I kept saying I would but never got around to it. I finally did because I found out that one of my favorite characters off of White Collar, Hilarie Burton, was on the show (remember how I mentioned White Collar in this post? Ya know, the show with only about the most beautiful man I've ever seen. Just look at him again. Smoldering).
I think the reason I wasn't that interested in the whole One Tree Hill thing at first is because I was only 11 when it came out so dramatic love triangles didn't quite interest me yet. A decade later and the dramatic love triangle thing is totally up my alley! Chad Michael Murray as a momma's boy troubled basketball player? Yes please! Anyway, after that huge side track, now here we are on Monday and I'm FINALLY posting. Yay for me! Today's subject? The wonderfully grammatically incorrect tongue twister of a title up there. Wear watcha wanna wear.

{F21: plaid button up similar; A&F: dress similar; GoJane: faux suede booties; H&M: flower hair pin similar; Watch: borrowed from my little brother} 
As I mentioned in one of my first "Am I Even Funny" posts here, when I was a kid I dressed way too fancy for my age and I stuck out like a sore thumb because of it. All of those years of sticking out taught me something important though: wear what you want to wear and shuck whatever everybody else thinks. In my opinion there's nothing more attractive and fashionable than somebody that feels happy, confident, and comfortable in what they're wearing. So what if some people think my outfit combination is odd? If I feel confident in it, that'll show and that's what will radiate more than the opinion of a few. Confidence is key. Feel beautiful and you'll be beautiful. Maybe tucking a plaid shirt into a poofy blue dress when it's still 90 degrees outside is weird, but I don't care. I liked it, and I felt good in it so I wore it and I felt dangus kong good in it! Never mind that I was sweating buckets. ;) Weather has never impeded me from wearing whatever strikes my fancy. Booties and plaid button ups in the summer? Skirts and frilly dresses mid winter? Pshh, puhlease my style knows no weather. My body, on the other hand, does and repeatedly hates me for making it be hotter than and/or colder than it needs or wants to be, but I'm just teaching my body to be weather proof. ;) I believe that if I'm wearing something that I don't feel good in it'll show and I'll be a sourpuss but if I'm wearing something that I feel swasing awesome in that'll show too and I'll be a more enjoyable person to be around. Anyway, there's my two cents on what I've learned about confidently wearing whatcha wanna. 

Much love! 


  1. I was the same way in school. Your posts just crack me up; I love your blog. That outfit is pretty amazing too. Love everything.


    1. Aw thanks girl! You just made my day!!


  2. Oh so cute!! Love this shirt under this dress. So perfect!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

    1. Thanks Amy!! Your comments always make me feel so cool!! ;)

