
OJ for the Soul

I had a very different post and different outfit planned for you all today but it required more story telling and thought than I'm willing to commit to at this particular moment. So, instead posting what I had planned I decided to post this outfit that I wore last week to pick my Aunt and cousin up from the airport. Why am I so keen on a simple, easy, thoughtless post you ask? Because I'm currently lying sick in bed, horizontally mind you, with a tiny wad of toilet paper very unattractively stuck up my nose. -Ya know, to keep the incessant boogies from running down my face. And, yes, I'm sure you were all dying to hear the particulars of why I have toilet paper crammed up my nostrils.-  I think the last time I washed my hair was Saturday, don't tell anyone, and the only thing I have any sort of inclination to do is to continue lying on my bed in this state of dirty unttractiveness while I ferociously tear through the Avatar: the Last Airbender -The Promise graphic novels. Yes, on top of all of the icky sickyness I've shared with you all, you all now know that I'm a also a bit of a cartoon/comic geek. And, ya know, I'm surprisingly ok with that. Judge my geekiness if you must, friends. My current state of gross ickness, though, abstain from judging please. I mean, it is 10 o'clock at night, and I do plan on washing my dirty dirty hair first thing tomorrow morning! You know what else, though? The only food I ever have a desire for whilst I'm sick is a nice cool glass of OJ. Does that even technically constitute as food? No? Oh well. Anyway, my OJ cravings suck flying hog monkeys because orange juice is probably the worst drink in the world to try and chug down with a sore throat. Tastes so yummy, but feels more like holy water going down a vampire's throat. Hurts so good. Ooo baby, it hurts so good. What are your sick day cravings?
 {h&m: white blazer, faux suede booties similar; Ross: chiffon top similar; AE: flare jeans; F21: knit hat similar; Aldo's: bag}

Now that all that sick talk is over, which, sick talk is really uncharacteristic of me because I'm more of the suck it up and quietly soldier on types, let's get to talking about the logistics of this outfit. I ordered these jeans from the American Eagle website a couple of weeks ago, they arrived not too long ago and I'm in love with them. I can't remember the last time I shopped at American Eagle. It must have been years ago, but by some odd happening I stumbled across their webpage. I decided to search their jean selection for a pair of wide leg jeans, because I had been HUNTING for a good pair of wide leg jeans for months and months. Lo and behold I found this pair, they weren't the dark wash that I was looking for but they were 30% off and shipping was free! Yippee! I was super excited by the fact that when I tried them on they were just the right length. Not too long, and not too short. The perfect length to wear with low heeled booties! I decided the perfect way to style these jeans was with a white on white look and bold pop of color. Oh, and this bracelet? My little sister bought it when she visited Guatemala and she was ever so gracious enough to lend it to me. Hooray for little sisters. Well, I'm off to swallow some ginormous cold pills with a swig of OJ and hopefully drift off to a nice rest that will imbue me with the proper amounts of strength to go to my morning workout and head off to work.

Much love!


  1. OJ hurts when you have a sore throat! But it's still probably pretty good for you with the vitamin c and all. I don't think I usually feel like eating or drinking anything when I'm sick.

    1. I hadn't even thought about the vitamin c benefits of it; that's probably why my body craves it when I'm sick haha. :)


  2. You look lovely! And you really make beanies work :)


    1. Aw thanks Anna, you're the sweetest!


  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Christina! They're easily one of my favorite pairs now!


  4. Hope you feel better soon. Also, love your jeans, I wish I could pull off flared jeans.

    Dearest Lou

    1. Thanks Cecilia! I bet you would look GREAT in flared jeans, especially since you've got such awesome long legs! I never thought I'd look good in flared jeans since I'm a shortie, but then I just decided to shuck it and wear 'em anyway. ;)

