
Dream a Little Dream

The day after Christmas is the worst. All that magical cheeriness is over with, and with the magicalness being gone you realize you probably ate one too many rolls. Christmas this year, though, was INcredible. It was seriously so wonderful. This Christmas, we had the wonderful opportunity of helping out a family in need. We were given the chance of going out to buy some gifts for a small, young family of six. Having been in the same situation once before with my own family, it was a true joy and pleasure to be able to provide a few gifts to a family that might otherwise not have had much. It was such an incredible experience to be able to provide a service to a young family in need, especially when once the same service was provided to my family. My heart is full. Now, in the Hispanic culture most of the celebratin' happens on Christmas Eve, or as we would call it, La Noche Buena. In my fam bam, we cook up an awesome dinner, play games afterwards/watch a movie, have a Christmas Program of sorts to refocus in on what we're really celebrating, and with our spirits full of gratitude for the birth of Christ we stay up with anxiously excited hearts till midnight. Come midnight, we all clap, cheer, share hugs, and start tearing into our gifts. Now, if we were in Guatemala, after we opened up our gifts we would all head outside to explode some MAJOR fireworks and play around with sparklers just to show our happiness. Even, though, I only spent a few Christmas' there, I've always missed the fireworks, they were my favorite part.
Now, since we traditionally stay up all through Christmas Eve till midnight to open gifts, I've come to the realization that come Christmas morning I get what I like to call a "Christmas Hangover", ya know, sans any alcoholic influences since I don't drink. Obvi. :) I wake up tired from staying up till almost two in the morning, worn out from all the excitement, still slightly food comatose from eating too much ham, and have a massive headache and tired eyes. My only cure? My now four years and counting tradition of going on a Christmas day long run. It freshens up my mind, gets rid of my tired eyes and headache, and well, frankly, makes me feel a whole lot better about having eaten too much ham/rolls. ;) Plus, its always nice that the roads are COMPLETELY empty of cars. I could seriously run in the middle of the road if I felt like it!
 {American Eagle: over sized shrug, dark wash skinnies; h&m: basic tshirt; F21: over the knee boots similar, readers; Dream Catcher Necklace: gift from my aunt in Guatemala}

Like I said, this year, Christmas was truly stupendous. We were all able to gather 'round and share our sincere joy of the birth of Christ, and were able to share a special evening together. I've always been a big believer that it isn't the gifts that make Christmas special, and my family and I have had many a quiet and humble Christmas (and they have often been some of the most truly memorable and special) but when we have the means to give each other grand gifts we sure do give 'em and we give 'em with a sincere joy in spoiling each other. There's nothing quite like looking at the faces of loved ones light up when they see all of their Christmas surprises. The joy of giving, right? :) This year, my loot was truly stupendous. I got a good pile of clothing, these jeans and shrug being in the mix, a couple of my favorite movies (V for Vendetta, and Silver Lining's Playbook, holla!) and the big kahoona....a 40" inch tv!

This year my parents have slowly started building me up what I like to call "my dowry". When my mattress got messed up earlier this year, my parents went out and got me the best queen sized mattress possible and told me to consider it as a starter for my own place for whenever I get married. Now for Christmas, they got me a nice lil' tele and told me now I'd have another thing I could check off my "for when I get married" list. They're the bestest. ;) Plus, now when I start dating someone worthwhile I can say, "Did I tell you that I come with a tv and a mattress?" ;) Ok, that sounded kind of creepy right? Alls wells, just call me the creep master. Now, ya see that gorgeous beyond gorgeous dream catcher necklace? My beautiful aunt and adorable little cousin sent it over to me from Guatemala with my adorable grandpa when he flew in a couple of weeks ago. I love them, and I love the necklace. It's so unique, and I adore that it's a dream catcher!  I think I did a stupendous job of giving gifts this year too, if I do say so myself. ;) I got my mom a beautiful church dress from Banana Republic, an adorable missionary appropriate polka dot skirt for my little sister, and a set of remy hair extensions for my big sister! I, unfortunately ran out of money at that point, so I didn't get my poor pops and little brother anything. They forgave me, though. ;) I hope all of your Christmas' were merry, bright, and full of love for family! 

Much love!


  1. I've never been a fan of the after Christmas. I hate that most everyone has to go back to work. I am in love with that necklace. How sweet of your cousin and aunt. Is it the cute lil' cousin I met?

    1. LISHA!! I know, work sucks. It'd be nice if work gave everyone a paid week long Christmas break. ;) No, it wasn't Adriana, it was another little cousin. :) Also, can we have a movie night STAT, now that I have my very own television and you're still on a hiatus from school? :D

  2. Simple but sexy!!! Lovely as always Allexis ;)
    kat | www.poshbykat.com

    1. Girl, you're seriously the sweetest!! Thanks Kat!

