
Repeat, Repeat

Guessssss what, guys? I have NO cavities! Not a one! Remember how I mentioned last week that I had gone to the dentist? Well, at the end of my cleaning the dentist came over to inspect my teeth, did some poking around, and declared that my teeth were fab. For obvious reasons (my sugar addiction) I didn't believe that my teeth were, "fab". Pssh. Yeah. Right. Me, the walking sweet tooth, has "fab" teeth. I asked him if he was sure I didn't have any cavities and he just started laughing at me and said that, no, he was absolutely sure I didn't. I still didn't believe him at first, because, um, what do dentists know about teeth anyway? ;) It wasn't till my dad came home from his appointment a few days later, declaring that the dentist had told him he had a couple of cavities, that I finally believed that my teeth were indeed rot free. Guess my anti-cavity mouth wash has been doing its job! ;)
dress: Asos
denim jacket: F21
shoes: h&m
bag: Aldo's 
flower bracelet: F21
stud bracelet: bohme
photos: Rachel Laukat 

This week is all about the repeats! I already posted a look with this dress last week but I'm just so in love with it I had to post it again. Plus, how awesome did these photos turn out? Rachel is preeeetty cool. :) Plus, I wanted to post a more "casual" date night look with this dress! I love how versatile it is that I can just throw on a pair of sneaks and it's instantly perfect walk-in-the-park material! Also, can you guys believe it's pretty much August???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where has the year gone?! I think I might have a brain aneurism if even try to think about how far into the year we are! ACK! 

Much love!


  1. Suuuuper cute dress!! Seriously, I love it!! I don't blame you at all for wearing it more than once... I'd be living in it :)

    1. Thanks Alyssa!! Heehee, I pretty much am living in it! ;)

