
Guess Who!

Guessss who got new hurrs?! This girl, this girl! I gots me some nice new stensions (that's street talk for "EXtensions") courtesy of Laced Hair! I want to dedicate the majority of this post on a full review of them and my thoughts on extensions in general since I know a good few of you were asking about them and wondering about if I use them/what kind I use! (Holy run on sentence!) I had put off writing a full blown extensions post not because I was just being a jerky turk and ignoring your questions but because I didn't feel like the old extensions I had warranted a post. Prior to the posts you'll be seeing this week I had been using just the cheap-o Sally "Euro-Next" brand. I pretty much hated them, guys. I really did. They weren't super long, the clips would tug on my hair and start to seriously hurt by the end of the day, and they would get so tangled and nasty ratted, that by the end of the day they resembled a dread lock. I could seriously stick my hand in them and loose it to the abyss of matted tangles. It was gross. not to mention that they really didn't come with a whole lot of hair. After about the first week I seriously regretted purchasing them/wasting my hard earned wisdom-tooth-removal-research-surgery money on them! I went through dry sockets and chipmunk face for that money, and I sadly wasted a good chunk of it. Boo!

Anyway, last week Laced Hair was awesome enough to send me a set of their "i-do" clip in extensions in #1b soft black. Let me tell you guys, the difference is NIGHT and DAY! First, because of their softness! It's been about a week and a half since I got them and they are STILL way, way soft. Not a SINGLE tangle. They hold a curl crazy good, and stay softly curled for a good few days so I don't have to worry about curling them every single time I put them on! Next, their clips come with a soft little gel lining that makes it so they aren't as painful to the scalp and natural hair! I love it, because I love having mermaid long hair but I certainly don't want to have a headache at the end of the day just to accomplish that! They weren't quite as dark as I would have expected a natural black to be, but I was surprised by how well they ended up blending with my actual hair regardless! I think it might be because I had an ombre once upon a time and I still have some left over color on my ends. I still definitely am considering going in to get my hair and the extensions painted just so they fade into each other PERFECTLY, though! I also really loved that each weft didn't just come with like five hairs like the Euro-Next ones because I'm a thick haired girl and if I'm going to wear extensions they need to blend with that! Overall, I'm basically in love with these new "stensions" and I love that they give me the ability to play around with mermaid long hair! I'm definitely going to be experimenting with braids with these babies and I cannot flippin' wait! All my ladies in the market for extensions be sure to check out Laced Hair and be sure to check out their Insta as well, they've got some serious hair inspo on there!

sweater: c/o ChicWish
jeans: AE
hat: c/o ChicWish similar
hair: c/o Laced Hair
photos: Emmy Lowe

So I am tooootes in love with this sweater from Chic Wish! It's like that perfect comfy/cozy rainy day in sweater! Not to mention that the print is just so dang cute! It does have that ripped/frayed edge thing goin' on, on the sleeves and hem, but I honestly don't mind! I normally would, but I love the print and fit so much that I just figure, eh, a little rips never hurt anybody! Rips are edgy, right? :) Also, return of the ombre much with my hair? Totally. And I actually kinda love it! Anyway, these jeans, you guys. These. Jeans. Aside from the fact that they're not petite like I would have preferred they are literally sheer perfection! The fit is INcredible, they are CARAZY soft, and they have that "faded-black-denim" look that I was desperately hunting for! I'm telling you guys, nobody does it like American Eagle when it comes to jeans. NObody. Not to mention all their jeans are $30 right now! THIRTY dollars, you guys! I had to seriously control myself not to buy at least five different pairs! The style I got was the super high rise, which I'm soooo excited to actually style them in a way that shows off the high waist! Anyway, holy moly talk about a loooooooooong post! I think I'm done now, though!

Much love! 

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