

You know what's super uber annoying? When you're just peacefully minding your own business and your brain goes, "You know what we haven't thought of in a long time? That one time that super embarrassing thing happened. Heehee. You should think of that now." That's been happening to me this whoooooole week. It's like, "Thank you brain, that's exactly what I needed right now. It's not like I just barely got over being embarrassed by that or anything." Super annoying but ce la vie, right? Also, I have some preeeeeetty exciting life news to share with you all but I'm going to be super annoying by doing that thing where I tell you I have super exciting news but I don't actually say what the news is. So ha! ;) Just kidding. I'm only holding off on announcing it because, ummmmm, as with all things in life I want to have cute announcement photos to go with it! (No, I'm not pregnant. Sickos. I'm not even married.;)

coat: Old Navy
top: ASOS
leather skirt: h&m
slip ons: American Eagle
umbrella: Target
photos: Roxana

In case you couldn't tell by the fact that I've posted twice in a row about it, I love this coat! It's seriously the perfect basic coat. It goes well with everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! Not to mention it's all sorts of warm. In fact, I suddenly don't hate the cold as much anymore from how bundled up this baby keeps me. Who knew all I needed to get accustomed to the cold, these past 18 years of living in Utah, was to get over my "this-outfit-is-too-cute-to-ruin-with-an-annoying-coat" thing? Go figure. ;) Also, this leather skirt. It's UH-mazing! This is my first time actually posting about it but I've pretty much been wearing it like crazy since I got it way back in September. Is it crazy that September is already considered "way back"? Also, guys, camel and black? Best color combo in the history of color combos. Aaaand, leather and wool? B-E-A-UTIFUL. (Bruce Almighty reference anyone?)

Much love!


  1. Ok, allexis. I cannot wait for you to announce it. So PLEASE text me!!!

    Love this outfit and these photos, as always. You look stunning!

    1. Heehee, just texted you! Buuuuut, I just realized I have NO idea what time it is for you right now, so I may have texted you like SUPER late at night! Sorry, haha! I seriously heart you Gentri!!
