
Knowing Me, Knowing You

You know what would be so cool? If one of the contestants on The Voice sang an ABBA song. That would just be the most wicked thing ever! #IHaveWeirdWishes ;) I don't know why, but a couple of weeks ago I got a sudden urge to listen to ABBA so I made myself a little playlist on Spotify. I remember when I was a kid my family and I would always rock out to ABBA on road trips. My favorite song being, "Knowing Me, Knowing You". Hence the name of this post, haha! :) Cheers to having parents who grew up in the 70s! My future children will probably get heavy doses of 90s music and all the awesome/weird stuff I listen to! I'm a huge music lover so I'll probably always either be humming, singing, playing the piano, or just have music playing in the background on my iPhone (if iPhone's will even still be relevant;). Also, mini dance sesh's with ma kiddos are going to be THE best! I remember that my siblings, mom, and I would always have random dance parties in our living room. I loved it! Also, I have this weird fascination with the lyric, "Gimme, gimme, a man after midnight". I know that's probably a super dirty lyric or what not but I'm weirdly obsessed with it for some crazy/freak reason. Yeahhhhh....I'm a weirdo. Also, I toooootally have ashy knees in these photos but let's all just pretend like they're perfectly moisturized, kay? Kay. :)

dress: h&m
shoes: F21
necklace: c/o Sage Boutique
purse: F21
photos: Shailynn

Sooo this is like my favorite dress EVER now. For cereal (seriously). It's got that super awesome baby doll shape, which, if you guys didn't know, is TOTALLY flattering! It hides any trouble spots you may have in the torso area and totally emphasizes yo legs while making them look teeny tiny! Holla! Also, that 70s pattern? I die. I LOVE 70s fashion! Oh, and these wedges? They're my new favorite pair of shoes! They seriously go with EVERYTHING, they're SUPER comfortable (like, I could wear them for 8hrs straight with no pain), and they're the cutest things my eyes have ever beheld! Plus, they were on sale for SEVEN dollars!! Also, if you couldn't tell, I was totally vibin' the 70s today! ;) I totally thought I wouldn't be wearing open toed shoes anymore by this time of year but the weather here in Utah has been COMPLETELY dry, and warm. It's weird. I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE good weather but I really REALLY want a white Christmas and the longer it takes to snow the more freaked out I get by global warming!! (I should technically call it "climate change", but eh, same difference;)

Much love!

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