
NYE with Aerie "Night In"

Time for part two of my New Year's Eve looks with Aerie! Yippee! This look was all about a "night in", which, I thought was so fun because, as a teenager, this is how I spent most of my New Years. I was a pretty tame kid. :) Of course, now a days, I'm more a fan of going out dancing and driving around at night excitedly anticipating a new year and a "new me" but I'm sure soon enough I'll be back to celebrating the new year snuggled in at home! Also, I just have to throw this out there, I don't know how many of you are Foster the People fans, but I am and every time I wear this beanie all I can think of is that lyric, "I'm Superman and it's my show" from the song "Don't Stop". Soooo, I'm Superman and this is my show. ;) Anyway, posting twice in one day means I'm kind of short on things to talk about. Yikes! How were yer weekends? Mine was pretty dang fab! I saw the "Tree of Life" for the first time which was super nice and then I got my butt pretty much whooped at just about every board game I own. Stink. Don't worry, though, this will not be a regular occurrence. ;)

henley: c/o aerie
sequined bralette: c/o aerie
knit boxer shorts: c/o aerie
beanie: F21 similar
photos: EmmyLowePhoto

For a night in, watching the ball drop on Times Square on the good old television, the key to a cute look is keeping it cozy while bringing in fun sparkly elements that make it so it doesn't feel like just another boring night at home! This sequined bralette layered underneath this soft henley is the perfect way to add that bit of New Year's fun while these cozy little knit PJ shorts keep things casual and comfy! Thanks again to Aerie for sponsoring this fun NYE series and I hope you guys got some fun outfit inspiration from it! I'll be back tomorrow with a couple more NYE looks for you all!

Much love!


  1. Cute photos, I kind of like the idea of staying in on NYE

    1. Thank you Laura! Right? There's nothing wrong with staying in! :)

