
Yeah, Yeah

This last month I ate like C-R-A-P, crap. I'm usually pretty good at reigning it in and trying to be sure I get enough nutrients but these last couple of weeks were just BLEH. It was definitely starting to take it's toll on my body. For a variety of reasons, my body has a hard time with a lot of foods, particularly starchy/sugary foods -which are unfortunately my favorite. Anyway, because of that, if I don't closely monitor my intake of these types of foods and make sure I'm eating a balanced diet, my body starts to really hate me. My stomach starts hurting pretty much non-stop and my muscles and joints start to really struggle with inflammation and achy-ness. It gets to the point where even my feet get so swollen they're unrecognizable and I can hardly walk from how much they hurt. Anyway, because of all that yuck I decided to do a cleanse. Give my insides a nice Spring cleaning. Just really detoxify all the ick I had been loading into my stomach, give it a nice break, and start over. Let me tell you guys, though, I'm on day 2 and it's HARD. Even my dog is starting to look appetizing. Just kidding. That was totally gross, haha.

jacket: Nordstrom
skirt: c/o OASAP
sandals: F21

Dudes, it's the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale! Which means you all need to get your shop on! Plus, the jacket I'm wearing? Yeah, it's from Nordstrom...so now's your chance to snag it on sale!! Also, these lace up sandals are everything you guys. Everything. I'd been wanting them for weeks, but they sold out online within a day. Luckily, they had them in-store so I snatched 'em up in a heart beat! Holla! Anyway, yeah, I'm sleepy and just a leettle bit hangry so that's all I have for you all.

Much love!

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