
Nessun Dorma and Derpy Weeks

Sometimes I have these ideas in my head for posts that I think will be fun, or entertaining, or just be...I don't know, cool maybe? Sometimes they don't really turn out that way, though. In fact, here are some of the ideas I had swirling around my head for today's post that seemed cool, or what not, but are probably just boring. The fact that I have recently rediscovered my passion for Opera, more particularly my obsession with Luciano Pavarotti and his rendition of "Nessun Dorma" and Sara Brightman and Andrea Bocelli's rendition of "Time to Say Goodbye". I love 'em. Juuuuuuust love 'em. Actually, if someone (a date of the handsome, tall, bow tie wearing, male variety preferably) were to take me to see "Turandot" at La Scala Opera House in Milan, Italy my dreams would be fulfilled. Well, see, that was idea number one and that only took a couple of sentences to discuss and was probably more boring than waiting for nail polish to dry.
Now, idea number two. Ever have one of those weeks when your hair just refuses to do what you want it to or just even look good? Or one of those weeks when your makeup just refuses to come out the way you want it to no matter how hard you try? OR, OR, one of those weeks when your face just looks totally weird/derpy and completely unattractive? For me, this week was ALL three of those combined, probably because last week was a perfect hair and makeup week. I guess it's just like that rule that what goes up must come down. A week of perfect hair and makeup must be immediately followed up by a week of ugly hair, makeup, and face. Blehhhhhhh. Let's hope next week is neither spectacular nor horrible in the hair and makeup department. I'm aiming for completely average, here. Let's balance these scales. ;) Whelp, that was idea number two. It was slightly more relatable and more entertaining, but it still wasn't a mind blowing piece of art, either. Oh well, I have an idea for a more spectacularly written post for Monday anyway. :)
 Faux Fur Vest: h&m similar
Top: h&m
Booties: h&m similar

Oh, and guess what? ANOTHER outfit that's primarily from h&m. Is it sad to mourn a store? ;) In other news, though, my sister leaves for Canada in 10 days! TEN! We're working on memorizing the lyrics of "Lets Go to the Mall" from How I Met Your Mother in honor of all things Canada. ;)

Much love! 

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