
Blast from the past

{Denim jacket//belt: F21, maxi skirt: borrowed, shoes: Steve Madden}
It snowed...again...and again...and again. To keep warm from the snow and simultaneously get creative with this whole shopping diet thing I decided to play search and rescue with this corduroy maxi skirt because what's more frugal than re-using things from the past? It came from the dark ages, otherwise known as my older sister's high school years. Anyway, I remembered it's existence last night and decided to rescue it from the back of the linen closet it was shoved in. I decided I'd rather wear it as a dress so I hiked it up, belted it, and pulled a denim jacket over it. With the snow covering the ground I decided I'd rather not wear heels so I put on my all time favorite flats I got four years ago. I got them for like $10, which is a major steal for Steve Madden's! Four years later they still look totally amazing, plus that bead work is just to die for! Anyway, today I wanted to keep this post short and sweet due to the large amount of homework that awaits me...ugh...homework...I just have to keep reminding myself that I signed up for this and that as nerdy as this sounds I actually love school! How about we do some bullet points of both relevant and random thoughts, kay? Okay.

  • Utah weather is crazy. It dangles the hope of warmth and spring in front of our faces for a couple of days and then it snows for two days straight as if to say, "haha, just kidding!"
  • The baby brother blessed the sacrament in church today for the first time ever. It was awesome.
  • The Walking Dead comes back on tonight. I. Am. Ecstatic.
  • In my household The Walking Dead is a family affair. 
  • We gather round the TV and pig out on food while humans get devoured by zombies
  • What screams appetite more than blood and guts right? 
  • Clearly I have a television addiction...but who doesn't these days? Right? Right?? Please tell me I'm normal!
  • Don't tell me I'm normal. I'm so not, and I actually kind of like it that way. :)
  • The Grammy's are on tonight but since it's on at the same time as The Walking Dead for the first time in a long time I will not be watching. 
  • I never thought I'd say this but tonight zombies take precedence over celebrity fashion and music
Happy Sunday!

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